Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 2 of Learning How to Blog

So, I was up early today and started to play with my blog here. Since I am still experimenting, I started with a small Book review of one of my Favourite books.
So easy enough to put up a new post, but it I wanted to set it as it in it's own page that will be listed in a category or topic of just book review's. I wasn't sure how to do that but yay for me I think I figured it out by creating a label for it so it has a folder now.
So, needless to say I learned something new about blogging today even though it took me at least an hour to figure out. So here is the official start to my walk along to road of blogging!!!


  1. I've had a very slow start to blogging but it is coming along. I still feel like a newbie but it's been a while. The best thing is being consistent. You're doing great from what I see!
    It also took me a while to learn about pages. Here's a wonderful tutorial that I found to help you out with that as it did for me:
    I hope it helps you like it did me. It's so much easier now.

  2. Thanks so much Julie!!!! I will definately check that out:)
