Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Welcome to My Secret Life of Books

Hello Everyone
This is my first blog and kind of like an experiment because I have noo Idea of what I am really doing. So just to get started I am gong to be trying to get back here once a day or every other day(time permitting) to put new posts such as book reviews, movie reiews and just randoms postings. During these times I will also be experimenting to templates and formatting things. Please feel free to give advice because this is new for me and I am excited to be trying this and hope I can learn what I am doing to make this a semi interesting page and i hope you will enjoy my Secret Life of Books.

All the best, Carla

1 comment:

  1. Carla, first of all, I'm so happy and proud of you for taking the first step by jumping in and just starting a blog. I know you'll do great! Make it yours and enjoy the process. Step away if it is not fun for a bit and breathe. This is for fun! I'll be around to help you if you'd like.
    I've learned a lot about blogging from this book: http://www.amazon.com/Huffington-Post-Complete-Guide-Blogging/dp/1439105006
    See if you can check it out from your local library. I also learn from friends and other bloggers.
    Here's my favorite quote from this book:

    "Blogging is the only addiction that won't make you fat, drunk, or stoned. But it might make you so hungry for instant gratification that your books get shorter."
